Friday, May 23, 2008

I Saw You

Dear Friend,

I saw what you did today. I’m sure you already know that I wasn’t very pleased by your actions. I’ve tried to teach you what is right and wrong and today you failed me. I know that you realized what you had done almost immediately after you did it, maybe even as you were doing it. I know that you know better than that. Today you were weak. I am not angry with you. I love you, even when you fall short of what is good. I understand that you will not always do the right thing and that you can’t be held at a level of perfection like my father. He knows this too. He knows it better than anyone because he made you.

He loves you so much, and because he wants to be with you he found a way to forgive you for all of those times when you fall short. That was the whole reason I had to die on the cross that day. I was the ultimate sacrifice. I cannot ask you to be perfect. I will ask you this though, whenever you do something that is disobedient to me and my father remember that that very action was one of many reasons I faced my death for you. I do not tell you this to make you feel guilty. I do not want you to be weighted down with guilt. It is the opposite. I want you to be set free from that guilt. I want you to be mindful of your actions and how they affect so many things other than yourself. Your family, your friends, your strangers, and most importantly your God can all be hurt by the smallest downfalls.

Do not remain trapped and suffocated by your sins. Give them to me so that you can have hope of a new day in which you can start fresh and clean. When you ask for forgiveness from me and my father it is done before the words have even finished forming on your tongue. Lean on me and I will make you strong so that you can resist those times in which temptation overwhelms you.

I saw what you did today and I forgive you. You are my friend and I will love you even when you have failed to love me.

Love always,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God is everywhere...even when we least expect it. God is working through my life and i have seen him more than ever in the last few weeks...its amazing...pray to him and he will answer...i promise!
Thanks you God
I love you!