Friday, May 30, 2008

Your Heavenly Father

Dear Child,

For the sake of my message to you today I need you to understand a very important part of who I am. You may know me as Jesus, the son of God. Know that I am your one and only true God. Jesus is the name by which I was called when I was in human form. I am both God and the son of God. Call me Lord, Jesus or Father; I am all of these.

Today I want to make my role as your Heavenly Father very clear. There are times when I call you friend and there are times when I call you child. Above all, you are my child. I love you and came to Earth to give you a good life. I want nothing else but to see you well and happy. However, the road to happiness is not always an easy or pleasant one. Imagine the way an earthly parent must be strict with his or her child in hopes that they will have a good life. I must also be strict with you. This may often seem harsh, but I know better than anyone what you should do. Nothing I will ask of you will hurt you or lead you to failure. For this, and many other reasons, obey me when I ask something of you.

When you fall down I will help you up, but when you continue to fall I will teach you to pick yourself up. I see the things you do and know that your actions will often lead to pain. I could keep you from ever making these mistakes, but then you would never learn to conquer them on your own. Remember that when you are struggling I am still with you. I will always be there to keep a close eye on you and to encourage you. There will be times when you will have no more strength, and in these times depend on me and I will support you. When you can go no further I will carry you.

Your Father

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Believe Me

Dear Friend,
I’m writing you today because I have felt the uncertainty in your heart. I know the frustration and fear you feel in not knowing the truth. How do you believe something you have no proof for? Why would you risk your life for something you cannot know exists? One of the three greatest gifts my Father has endowed you with is faith; that’s how, that’s why.
Many people, when thinking about faith, only apply faith to religious ideas. However, without faith you would live a life of terror. You have faith in more things than you may realize. Every time you get in your car you have faith that it will serve you well and keep you safe. When you go to sleep at night you have faith that you will awake the next morning. When you eat or drink, how do you know you will not be poisoned? You do not, but you have faith in the people who prepared these for you. Unfortunately, I’ve seen you lose faith in many things over the years. I’ve seen you question your friends. I’ve seen you question your family. I’ve seen you question your own heart. Surely you don’t expect proof from your heart? Yet, you claim to love. How do you know you love someone or something? Can you prove it?
Most importantly, I’ve seen you question me. I know it can be difficult to believe in something you have never seen, but I ask you this: When you feel the breeze bring you comfort, when you see the rain cleanse the ground, and when you lie in bed at night and find peace in such a chaotic world, can you not feel me? Faith is what allows a feeling to become more important than fact. Trust in your heart and you will know faith. Visible or invisible, evident or unclear, have faith in the feelings in your heart and you will know the Truth.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Believe in me and you will have everlasting life.
You Know Who

I'm Here

Dear Friend,

I know is it very late, and I’m sure you have been waiting all day for me. Did you think I would not come today? I will always come. You can depend on me more than you can depend on anything you’ve ever known. Your friends will not always be there. Your family will not always be there. One day the very life that holds you will not be there, but I am and will always be there.

I know that your world is one built around plans. You must plan for school, plan for college, plan for a career, plan for a spouse, plan for children, plan for pets, plan for school for your children, plan for your retirement. Your life is built around your plans, and sometimes it seems like they will never get done. My father has plans for you as well. His plans are marvelous, wonderful plans that you cannot even begin to understand. There is nothing wrong with making your own plans, but remember that my Father has made you for a purpose and if your plans do not go according to His plans you may end up confused sometimes. Plan for the unexpected, plan to be surprised, plan to change your plans, because my Father’s plans will be done.

You may have planned to read this letter in the morning. You may have planned to read it this afternoon. This letter was meant for you to be read exactly when you are reading it. I wrote you only moments before this day was up, but I was there watching you all day long. I come when you call. Did you call me? Am I late, or am I just on time? Only God knows. Do not worry, no matter how long it seems you’ll have to wait for something, I will come.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Just Be

Dear Beloved,

I am so glad that I was able to reach you. You have been so busy I’m surprised that you were able to take some time out to read this letter. What are you so busy with these days? I’ve seen you running constantly. It’s no wonder you get so burnt out all the time. It seems like there is always something new that needs to be done; go to work, go to the store, wash the car, go to the movies, go out to eat, pick up your friend, drive across town, go bowling, go to the coffee shop. There is so much going I sometimes can’t keep up with you.

I wonder if some of your stress comes from constantly moving. It’s no wonder you have such a hard time finding time to meet with me. If you could only be still, if you could just wait, I could come to you. Since you are constantly on the go I think I would be willing to come to you for a change if you could stay still just for a while. Could you not wait one hour for me?

I have a friend, like you, who made a very good and simple point. He said that God created human beings, not human doings. I think he was so very right. My father did not create you to do, but just to be. Be kind, be helpful, be mindful, be thankful, and most importantly be love and be loved.

You have become so concerned with filling your schedule with so many activities, because you are afraid of being still. Do not be afraid, because in the quiet and in the stillness I am there.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Come Home

Dear Child,

I am confused. I have seen that you love and trust our heavenly Father. I have seen you claim his name as your lord. I am so happy to know that you have chosen to love us, but I am confused. You believe that we love you and still you do not come to us. You have heard my voice calling you and yet you are afraid. I do not understand your fear. What could be grander than my Father? How could you fear something more than He who created it? Why, if you know I have called you, have you not come to me?

I think it’s important that I tell you why my Father has called you. You are not of this Earth. You were born here and have always lived here, but this is not where you belong. You belong to my Father. He has made you and you are His child. He has prepared a place for you in His kingdom. He calls you so that you may come home.

I know you feel awkward in this world. Filled with a heart that yearns to be good, yet trapped in a body that cares only of the things of this Earth. You seek things which cannot truly be found here. You love falsely, and without your whole heart. I know your desires are with good intent, but this world keeps you from being truly good.

Come home child. Hear me calling. I have prepared a place for you in my Father’s house. Here you will not want, you will not thirst, and you will not tire. If those around you do not believe and do not hear the Truth do not ignore me for their sake. I am your one and true Father. If you come to me, I will lead you home.

Your Father

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Living Water

Dear Friend,

I was thinking about all of the things you have been up to lately. I’ve seen you talking with your friends, going out to the movies, watching TV, and spending time on the internet. These are all fun things that you enjoy doing, yet it seems like there is always something missing. When you close your eyes at night I can hear your heart moaning. I see emptiness in your eyes that you can never seem to fill. What is this thirst that you have so much trouble quenching?

I want to tell you a story about a woman I once met while I was walking this Earth. I met her one day in a small village. I was sitting by a well and she came to the well to get some water. After talking with her briefly I told her I knew who she was. I told her that I knew she had been through five husbands and was now with a man that was not her husband. She had been trying to fill that emptiness in her heart with the love of men. I told her that I could fill her with a love, a living water, which would never let her thirst for love again. After hearing this she knew me.

You may call me by many different names, but do you really know me? Today I want you to know me as Living Water. I am the only one who can give you something that will no longer let you thirst. I can give you love that is sufficient and will let your heart smile when you try to sleep. I can give you hope that will make your eyes shine with joy. It does not matter what you use to fill that void inside you, unless you ask me for my living water, you will always be thirsty for more.


Friday, May 23, 2008

I Saw You

Dear Friend,

I saw what you did today. I’m sure you already know that I wasn’t very pleased by your actions. I’ve tried to teach you what is right and wrong and today you failed me. I know that you realized what you had done almost immediately after you did it, maybe even as you were doing it. I know that you know better than that. Today you were weak. I am not angry with you. I love you, even when you fall short of what is good. I understand that you will not always do the right thing and that you can’t be held at a level of perfection like my father. He knows this too. He knows it better than anyone because he made you.

He loves you so much, and because he wants to be with you he found a way to forgive you for all of those times when you fall short. That was the whole reason I had to die on the cross that day. I was the ultimate sacrifice. I cannot ask you to be perfect. I will ask you this though, whenever you do something that is disobedient to me and my father remember that that very action was one of many reasons I faced my death for you. I do not tell you this to make you feel guilty. I do not want you to be weighted down with guilt. It is the opposite. I want you to be set free from that guilt. I want you to be mindful of your actions and how they affect so many things other than yourself. Your family, your friends, your strangers, and most importantly your God can all be hurt by the smallest downfalls.

Do not remain trapped and suffocated by your sins. Give them to me so that you can have hope of a new day in which you can start fresh and clean. When you ask for forgiveness from me and my father it is done before the words have even finished forming on your tongue. Lean on me and I will make you strong so that you can resist those times in which temptation overwhelms you.

I saw what you did today and I forgive you. You are my friend and I will love you even when you have failed to love me.

Love always,

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Giver

Dear Friend,

How are you feeling today? Is the weather ok for you? Is there anything you’d like me to do for you? I know it seems silly sometimes to ask questions in a letter, but I know you’ll get back to me on them eventually. I just worry about you a lot. I know you can take care of yourself and you are a smart person, but there will be times when you will need help. I just want to let you know that I think about you constantly and want you to come to me when you are in need.

I noticed your car was getting kind of dirty again. You never were one to wash your car all that often. I heard you thinking about how you should probably clean it soon and watched you frown at how much you hate doing it. So, I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of washing it for you last night. Maybe you heard the rain. Oh, and you can turn off your A/C today because I sent some clouds to keep it a little cooler for you. You see, I do look out for you even when you don’t realize it.

I’m with you more often than you think. I have messengers everywhere that inform me of your joys and concerns. Do me a favor and the next time you pass that person on the street begging for money give something to them. In fact, if anyone asks you for help I hope you won’t hesitate, because when you ask for help I don’t think twice about it.

The reason I am writing you these letters is so that you may begin to know me better. I am a giver. When anyone asks for my help it will be given freely and without an expectation of anything in return. Those people who come to you and ask for your help are my friends just as you are my friend. Please don’t turn your back on them.

Love your friend,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Can Help

Beloved Child,

I’ve seen the pain you’ve been enduring these past few weeks, and it breaks my heart to watch you bear it. I’ve heard your calls and I am arriving at your door as you read this. You will no longer have to go through this by yourself. If you want me to, I can heal you of this sickness. All you have to do is ask and it will be done. I know the confusion you’ve felt recently and understand how lost you must feel in this world sometimes.

When I was growing up I often felt completely separated from everyone around me. My father taught me things that no one else on Earth knew. However, that’s nothing compared to some burdens I’ve had to carry. You may already know this, but I carried great burdens for you almost 2000 years before you were even born. I knew that you would struggle with life and that you would not make it to meet my Father at his house if I didn’t save you.

My Father is so wonderful and He can help you more than you can imagine. I couldn’t stand the thought of you suffering. I hate to see you in pain, because I love you. I endured great pain for you for a short while so that you would not have to endure it forever. My death can set you free, but only if you accept it. Please don’t let my death be in vain. My Father saved me from that death, just as I can save you from it, but you have to ask me for it. Please let me help you. Check your front door. I am there. I have knocked at your door.

Now knock at mine and it shall be opened for you.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Hang

Dear Friend,

I loved hanging out with you this weekend. See, I’m not as boring as everyone thinks I am. If we hung out more you’d know that. Do you think we just sit up here and have boring meetings all day? No. You wouldn’t believe the games we play here. You’ll see, one day.

Look, I know you’ve been struggling with summer coming up and all the stress it can bring. Don’t sweat it. I’ll help you out with some stuff if you start to get too bogged down. Just ask me and I’ll be glad to stop by and give you a helping hand. My dad and I don’t get all that many visitors during the summer, so I’ll have plenty of free time. In fact, I’d love it if you brought some friends by and just hung out every once in a while. I’m always looking for new people to hang out with.

So…I heard the gas prices are getting kind of expensive where you live. I hope that doesn’t keep you from visiting. You know I’m always willing to come to your place if you just ask. It doesn’t cost me a thing to come by.

Anyway, the main reason I was writing you was to let you know I’m looking out for you. I know you’ve been stressing about finding a job and getting settled into you’re new schedule, but I’ve been pulling some strings to make sure you’re taken care of. I’m here to help. I love helping people, that’s what I do. Give me a call soon so we can hang out again. Good talking to ya.
