Dear Child,
For the sake of my message to you today I need you to understand a very important part of who I am. You may know me as Jesus, the son of God. Know that I am your one and only true God. Jesus is the name by which I was called when I was in human form. I am both God and the son of God. Call me Lord, Jesus or Father; I am all of these.
Today I want to make my role as your Heavenly Father very clear. There are times when I call you friend and there are times when I call you child. Above all, you are my child. I love you and came to Earth to give you a good life. I want nothing else but to see you well and happy. However, the road to happiness is not always an easy or pleasant one. Imagine the way an earthly parent must be strict with his or her child in hopes that they will have a good life. I must also be strict with you. This may often seem harsh, but I know better than anyone what you should do. Nothing I will ask of you will hurt you or lead you to failure. For this, and many other reasons, obey me when I ask something of you.
When you fall down I will help you up, but when you continue to fall I will teach you to pick yourself up. I see the things you do and know that your actions will often lead to pain. I could keep you from ever making these mistakes, but then you would never learn to conquer them on your own. Remember that when you are struggling I am still with you. I will always be there to keep a close eye on you and to encourage you. There will be times when you will have no more strength, and in these times depend on me and I will support you. When you can go no further I will carry you.
Your Father